Hello all, I am researching the effect of the strength of ties and their type (boundary-spanning or not) on creativity. My strength of ties variable consists of 3 items (for now: closeness, frequency and longevity). Sadly my sample is really small (n=20) and the first question in the survey was to fill in up to 10 names with which the respondents socialise. Only 5 were mandatory so the majority filled only 5 and only one filled all 10 spaces. Now the items are Closeness1 to Closeness10 (for example) and when I want to run a reliability test in SPSS it doesn't allow it saying that there are "too few cases (n=1) for the analysis". I have coded missing data as 999 and tried the MISSING=INCLUDE command yet nothing worked. My question thus is am I overseeing something and if so what and how could I solve this?

Or is this maybe not the way to test for reliability in social networks?

Hope this makes sense.

Thank you for your time.

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