How can we increase the recovery of DNA from agarose? Even if I use the qaigen purification kit the yield seems to be negligible, around 10-20ng/ul. Any suggestions please?
Try low melting point agarose. Pre-cool everything you use including tank and buffer. load the pre-cooled gel out side colde cabinet and transfer again for final run inside 4 deg C cabinet (or fridge). It definitely works. Discuss again If does not help.
First of all, 10-20 ng/ul is sufficient for most applications unless of cause you are trying to purify high molecular weight DNA.
If the size of the DNA is < 80 nt, try increasing the amount of binding buffer added. Remember to add a second centrifugation step after performing the wash to completely remove all the ethanol. Elute DNA with pre-warmed elution buffer.
DNA, RNA and Protein purification kit from Machery-Nagel ( works well. I use it to gel purify DNA of up to 2kb with good yield (PCR product or digested plasmid). For PCR product, i recommend to use a 50ul reaction. Before elution, you may pre-warm your elution buffer at 65-70 degreC before loading onto the column and after loading the elution buffer wait 5 min before spin. Also, by eluting your DNA 2-3 times will increase your yield. To improve the concentration of your DNA, reduce the volume of the elution buffer or water.