currently i am working on AlN deposition on silicon wafer, i was using DC sputtering but due to arcing effect i switched to RF. since then i tried 3 experiments and in all three of them the silicon wafer was untouched. the odd thing i found out was the plasma intensity (when shutter was open and when it was closed) was the same. i was successful creating thin layer when i was doing on dc but i cant do it with RF. following are the parameters used for RF sputtering.
Base pressure 1 micro torr
Sputtering pressure 15 milli torr
N2 to Are ratio 50:50
forward Power - 100 W/ (10 W/s)
Temp - 200 C
Process was ran for 2-3 hrs
Silicon wafer was used as substrate.
i have attached a image of plasma generated due to RF.
please tell me what is wrong with my experiments.