16 January 2020 0 7K Report

In case of unbonded post tensioned prestressed concrete beams, how can I give unbonded condition at the interface of coincidence nodes along the axis of prestressing steel using ANSYS APDL GUI?

Suppose, if i coupled the DOF of all coincidence nodes at the interface of the concrete and prestressing tendon in the depth and width direction of beam (y-axis & z-axis respectively), and leaving without coupling of all nodes in the PS steel axis direction (x-axis).

1. Now my doubt is that, does it is the correct way of giving unbonded condition without providing any bond slip relation in the x- axis. Or should I also consider the bond slip relationship by means of any spring elements (such as combine39/combine 14 etc.)

2. My second point is that, how can I arrest all DOF of the nodes of prestressing steel at the ends only, so that the prestress impart to concrete due to end nodes only, same as in the case of unbonded post tensioned beams.

can i select those two nodes and give fixed support (all DOF arrest) to it, is it correct way or not?

Please suggest these points with your answer, your points are appreciable.

Thank you.

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