07 September 2014 20 1K Report

I am trying to clone two genes on one single vector. One gene is 1800 bp and the other 2900 bp. My vector  is 10 kb ( pBIN Vector) and doesn't have my desired restriction sites so I designed primers containing leader  sequence, my desired restriction sites and part of the gene sequence. I have considered BamHI and EcoRI restriction sites for one gene and EcoRI and SacI for the other one. My vector has BamHI and SacI restriction sites. I amplified both genes using proofreading DNA polymerase, Hercules II fusion from Agilent Technology, USA. I got the right size of the genes on the gel then gel purified DNA, digested with appropriate enzymes, running on the gel again, still everything was fine.  I Ligated two gene fragments with T4 ligase, running the product on the gel and I got only one band around 5000 bp confirming the ligation of the two genes. The problem starts when I want to clone the ligated genes into the vector. I have tried regular ligation including vector digestion and ligation of vector and genes many times. I am getting colonies on the plate. I tested colonies with PCR. I got bands then I grew them in LB with antibiotic. They grew but when I was trying to extract plasmids the yield was so low around 20-30 ng ( i usually get 150 ng for this plasmid). I digested again but i was only see the back bone and no insert. I also sent them for sequencing, results were negative. I also have tried TA/ TOPO cloning, the same results were obtained. I have done many cloning before but not by PCR. All the kits and enzymes are fine since I am using them all the time. I have tried any method that I could have think of, none worked. I didn't use Taq polymerase because of its high rate of mutation but now I am going to try that one too to see if the problem is with Herculase. This is while ligation at EcoRI site worked. Now I am wondering if anyone can give me more advise about what I have done wrong or what I can do to solve this problem.

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