I attached a image file of N.N.Nemeth, 2013 paper, which showing the representation of confidence bound. How can I plot in origin or excell or any graph plotting software?
Graphics, scatterplots in particular, I think, are a nice way to obtain a good deal of insight. I like yours, though i could not make out the details. It looks like Erma answered your question very nicely. I particularly like the figure in the document she linked that appears to be a nonlinear regression with relatively low residuals.
I also encourage you to note that, in general, such data are heteroscedastic. Confidence intervals about the predicted y-values, rather than bars about the available observed y-values, can be very useful as well. (Please see the attached linear example, in excel, though something like SAS could provide this easily, and for other regressions.)
Data CRE Prediction 'Bounds' and Graphs Example for Section 4 of ...
There are several ways for doing it. One way would be to calculate SD, then value+SD, value-SD, then go to plotting options and select appropriate option for plotting. You also read the build-in tutorial/help for doing it. Finally, you can always find online help resources similar to those shown below: