I extracted proteins using Sigma Plant Total Extraction Kit and I need to remove Rubisco before sending the samples for label-free MudPIT shotgun proteomics ?
One way to do it would be to use an anti-RuBisCO immunoaffinity column made with antibodies to purified RuBisCO. Many years ago, we made such a column in Prof. Richard McCarty's lab from antibodies raised in a goat, and it worked very well to remove the last traces of RuBisCO from purified CF1. Anti-RuBisCO antibodies are commercially available.
Adam B Shapiro Thank you for information, but I was wondering that can I use it for removing RuBisCo from plant proteins? I checked the link, but didn't find any information about that.
Ankur Tyagi Thank you for the link, the problem is that this column is expensive and I only have 18 samples, do you know any alternative method? I am new in protein extraction area.
RuBisCO is a very large protein, and also the most abundant one. You could run your samples on a native PAGE gel (not SDS-PAGE) and cut out the bands that run faster than the heaviest band.