I'm trying to amplify 16S rDNA from total DNA extracted from Ixodes ticks. Due to an error in the extraction process, some of my DNA concentrations are very low, in the range of 5 to 0.5 ng/uL. Furthermore, this is total DNA, and from what I've seen in the literature, 10% or less of this is bacterial, meaning the 16S copy number will be pretty low and I functionally have 0.5-0.05 ng/uL of template.
I have already lowered my annealing temperature, increased to 35 cycles, and increased the Mg concentration to 2.5 mM final concentration. I get very faint bands from some samples and no bands from others. I don't want to use a nested PCR because I fear that will compound the PCR bias and mess up the eventual sequencing.
What else can I do to improve my yield from PCR?