10 March 2015 5 6K Report

I'm trying to amplify the whole MMP9 open reading frame (2124bp) and so far i'm having no luck. My Tm is 64 degrees and I've ran a pcr at this temp, at 60 degrees and 55 degrees and I am getting no amplification at all. My pcr cycle is: 5 mins at 94 deg then 40 cycles of 94 deg for 1min, annealing at 1 min (different temps used), 72 deg for 2 mins then a final elongation at 72 deg for 7 minutes. Each time I have done it I have got 2 non-specific bands, always at approx. 800 and 1000bp. I've tried increasing the Mg concentration, adding DMSO, increasing primer conc and increase the template but still no luck. At this point I've been told that I should go back and redesign my primers but since this is only for an honours project my budget doesn't allow it.

Is there anything else I can try?

I've read about boiling the reaction (minus taq man) for a couple of minutes before doing the PCR but don't know what this does. Can anyone help?


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