22 August 2023 1 8K Report

1. firstly, we need to create the conformation of our target molecule.

mercury>CSD-materials>conformer generation

2. secondly, need to design cocrystal:

mercury>CSD-materials>cocrystal design> screen by complementarity

3. we need to rank cocrystal in Python(go to prompt commander as administrator) run multicomponent hydrogen propensity to get the results.

my question is that: if there was no CIF file for our compound and we make experimentally by single crystallography and give the data, does it work to make cocrystal design?

2- I am pretty sure that if our compound does not create conformation, this above steps did not work and all results for cocrystal design are 100 or 0. do you agree?

3-if I want to add another conformer (that there is no data on CCDC) how can I add to cocrystal design? can I draw molecule and save as as MOL2. file does it work?

I really appreciate your help.


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