Hello, Im have a time working with qPCR and i have a lot of variability between tecnical replicates and biologicals ones. I made a lot of changes on my protocols and my results going better but not enough. I make a mix with sybr green, primers and cDNA, and from this mix i take for two tecnical replicates (one mix on two wells) (i made all of this taking care of not pippeting less than 5 uL as recommended) , so my tecnical replicates are identical, at way I'd wait no deferences in Ct values, but i have differences at point one of the well amplificate and another one doesnt. This tend to happen with the GOIs wich are less abundant, but not currently with HKPs. i dont know its maybe a problem with the qPCR equipment bc i think it not explainable to the point of pippeting. what do u think?