In this paper I need to know the method that was used to convert crisp data to fuzzy set or fuzzify values from table 1 to table 2
Dear Colleagues, After running Western blot on PVDF membrane and detection using ECL, I would like to stain my PVDF with colloidal gold to be able to allign the ECL image with total proteins on...
02 March 2021 7,829 3 View
Hello everyone, I had run a mediation model in SmartPLS using questionnaires that were already validated among my statistical population. A professor who edited my paper -though she is not...
01 March 2021 3,052 3 View
As a beginner in electrochemistry, I tried to obtain cyclic voltamograms of commercial anatase powder deposited on an ITO substrate or on Eteck. After several attempts, I noticed that my cyclic...
23 February 2021 3,175 3 View
Just want to be clear and know it is okay to say I have distributed the qualitrics link through social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to ensure my target audience is reached in my...
21 February 2021 5,143 2 View
Hello everybody, I have a problem with SDS-PAGE and I do not know why my samples stop at the top of the resolving gel and they do not run through it. The percentage of gel is 15% and the size of...
14 February 2021 9,116 6 View
We are conducting a pilot study of an intervention for informal caregivers of persons who have recently received a bone marrow transplant in the US. If you know of anyone who might be interested,...
13 February 2021 9,174 1 View
Dear researchers It's well-known that the maximum light absorption of any structure can not be greater than 50%. Is it possible that the single-pass absorption exceeds 50%? How?
17 January 2021 2,335 7 View
Dear all, I have a question regarding the most appropriate fit of a standard curve in an enzyme-linked lectin assay set-up to quantify the amount of mucin secretion in conjunctival explant...
03 January 2021 1,010 6 View
Hi, I'm a postgraduate student currently starting up a research project on attitudes towards domestic violence (DV). The study will aim to compare cultural differences between attitudes and...
31 December 2020 781 3 View
Hi everybody, Does anyone have a good protocol for protein purification using AKTA? I have tried to purify two proteins but after several attempts it was not successful. So, I really appreciate...
28 December 2020 5,220 15 View
I'm designing a zero-waste restaurant and considering using marble waste to make some tables and a bar countertop. My clients think it's not "sustainable enough" and I would like to have more...
01 March 2021 4,326 7 View
I have calculated thermodynamic parameters for surfactant solutions in aqueous and mixed alcoholic solvents. I want to calculate the value of errors in the data and represent it in the table along...
22 February 2021 239 2 View
Please suggest ways to learn Fuzzy VIKOR methodology in a best possible way. And is there any toolkit available for the same? Thank you in advance.
20 February 2021 8,271 3 View
20 February 2021 8,202 6 View
Fuzzy Information Systems are well known long since. There are two popular type of such systems in the form of Mamdani model and Sugeno model. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets are generalizations of...
19 February 2021 3,118 1 View
I have remotely sensed data (image) that I want to use in the Neuro-Fuzzy Designer apps of MATLAB. Is it possible to use an image file in the Neuro-Fuzzy Designer app or only numeric data is...
17 February 2021 1,205 5 View
Dear scholars, I was wondering how can I generate MATLAB code of an ANFIS (FIS) model? I need to integrate my ANFIS (FIS)/Fuzzy logic system into another MATLAB code to render optimizations. Do...
04 February 2021 6,098 4 View
30 January 2021 1,008 3 View
I have two different tables: one for metabolic activity of the cells in a plate, the other one is the Total DNA assay from the same plate. I need to generate a graph which represents metabolic...
29 January 2021 3,294 5 View
want to know how to write a literature review regarding fuzzy cognitive map for my thesis work .Is there any website or search engine to write a literature review otherwise give me a idea to...
29 January 2021 4,015 4 View