I am attempting to produce lentivirus vectors using the pLKO.1 system according to the following protocol:  http://www.addgene.org/tools/protocols/plko/ 

In this protocol, HEK 293T cells are transfected with the pLKO.1 vector of interest, the envelop and the packaging plasmids. The HEK-293T media is then collected after the cells have had time to produce and release virus. The protocol gives a procedure for selecting cells that have been successfully infected with the virus, but not one for measuring or even verifying the prescence of the virus particles in the collected media (or a solution of concentrated, purified virus derived from the collected media). The pLKO.1 vector does not have a fluorescent component, to my knowledge.

So my question is, how can I detect lentiviral particles in a solution?

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