I have the following equations:

Yij = a + b1Ai+b2Dj

Y1 = 3830 + 26.5*A1 – 65*D1 (p- value b1 = 0.000; p-value b2 = 0.183)

Y2 = 5131 + 22.6*A2 – 125*D2 (p-value b1 = 0.000; p-value b2 = 0.004)

Y3 = 2631 + 18.2*A3 – 44.4*D3 (p-value b1 = 0.001; p-value b2 = 0.064)

Y4 = -2654 + 36*A4 + 31*D4 (p-value b1 = 0.000; p-value b2 = 0.266)

Question 1: How can I compare the slopes of the regression equations and obtain post hoc separation? I am particularly interested in the slope of A.

Question 2: The p-values of the coefficient of D most times show non significance and at other times it is significant. This implies that a minimal model without D should suffice in such cases. Therefore, how can I compare regressions with count of b values being different? 

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