In my experience 8-12 per group should suffice, usually if there's a control and a treatment group. However, it would be better if you can design a study more than what I suggested. There are some papers supporting my suggestion but I forgot where to look. Good luck!
If you are comparing gut microbiome of normal nourished and undernourished infants, you have to calculate the sample size based on the means and SD values of the bacteria of your interest, from some published study or from your preliminary work. For this, you have to have mean and SD values of both the groups. If not, atleast mean and SD of one group, with which, based on your hypothesis, the expected difference in means will help you in deriving your sample size. Using the mean and SD you can calculate the sample size using different kinds of soft ware (gpower, R, PASS)
Depending on your objective you may choose your parameter. relative abundance of a particular bacteria or diversity score both may be useful in undernourished children and sample size should be calculated for the parameters seperately.
A web app is available now at and also a pairwise and PERMANOVA model R package at