22 Questions 20 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Mohsen Sohrabi
I will sequence my samples on illumina Illumina MiSeq (paired-end). The candidate primers are: 926F/1392R (V6-V8) 803F/1392R(V5-V8) 27F/519R (V1-V3) 341F/806R (V3-V4) My concern is to have more...
25 August 2015 2,039 8 View
I just need to confirm that the identified VOCs are actually produced by bacteria in bacterial culture media. And the ideal method is performing labeled precursors.
20 November 2014 7,315 4 View
I am going to do VOCs analysis using Shimadzu GCMS (it is not an accurate mass instrument). I just want to know if I will have problems with compound identification later by MSMS analysis.
06 November 2014 2,619 3 View
I have 10 ml LB inoculated by mix bacteria (G+ and G-). It may include several different phyla, genera and species. I am going to extract their DNA. I am looking for any good protocol or kit.
10 July 2014 7,937 2 View
I am using GC MS, HS-SPME. I need to measure LOD, LOQ and reproducibility for my method.
04 June 2014 3,897 2 View
These are universal primers for 16S rRNA amplification; F24 (5’- GAG TTT GAT YMT GGC TCA G -3’) Y36 (5’-GAA GGA GGT GWT CCA DCC-3') What are the representative pairs for YMWD?
02 June 2014 147 16 View
I am going to use Retention index for compound identification. I will use NIST that provide me Retention index for hits. Method of extraction is SPME 1. I am not sure if I can use retention...
28 May 2014 5,288 2 View
I am going to run GC-MS for headspace fecal sample's VOCs analysis. I will have about 300 putative compounds (non-targeted analysis) in each run. For compound quantification analysis, I need to...
13 May 2014 2,388 3 View
I am going to use RI as a compound identification beside a NIST library search for VOCs. I am not sure if it can help me for non targeted VOC analysis where I have many peaks and potential...
22 April 2014 8,283 3 View
I will provide oral rinsing samples from patients using 10ml PBS followed by concentrating it into 1ml PBS. I need to separate oral microbiota in collected samples from epithelial cells, food...
22 April 2014 7,096 0 View
I am going to do VOCs analysis based on the workflow below; MS acquisition- MS database search- Targeted MS/MS acquisition - Comparison MS/MS spectra- Comparative ID We have GC-triple Quad,...
20 April 2014 911 4 View
I am going to analyze VOCs in bacterial culture media. My method of extraction is SPME and none-targeted.
16 April 2014 3,006 4 View
I have two GC/MS data-sets (positive and negative). About 2234 features have been detected by XCMS and 400 of them showed significant differences between those two groups. Now, I need to...
15 April 2014 3,366 1 View
I am going to analyse bacterial culture media for VOCs profiling. SPME is a used method for headspace VOCs extraction. Can I do VOCs profiling by using only one sample and one run GC-MSMS? Or I...
06 April 2014 1,125 2 View
I am going to profile some human samples for profiling the VOCs. I want to use XCMS for processing and for the comparison of my outcome data and find the differences between my samples. For...
02 April 2014 1,543 5 View
I am going to run GC MS for VOCs profiling. But I do not know whether XCMS can identify the features or not.
19 March 2014 7,491 2 View
Reference to "Caldwell, D.R. and M.P. Bryant, Medium without rumen fluid for nonselective enumeration and isolation of rumen bacteria. Applied microbiology, 1966. 14(5): p. 794-801" I need to use...
18 March 2014 7,821 11 View
I am going to profile the VOCs of bacteria by GCMS. I just want to know if I can use these software for metabolites profiling.
03 February 2014 5,662 1 View
I am going to store fecal samples for culture dependent and culture independent bacterial diversity analysis.
27 November 2013 1,943 3 View
I have about 40 GC/MS chromatograms and want to find the similar peaks.
26 October 2013 3,057 3 View
I cultured a bacterium in 8 different culture conditions to find the VOCs cohort of this bacterium in different conditions. I am wondering if you can tell me the best way of data analysis by using...
22 October 2013 9,156 3 View
I want to make BHI broth and add blood to it. Is it okay if I add blood to the broth media without filtration or I need to filter it?
04 October 2013 392 1 View