I'm using the RiboPure-Bacteria (Ambion) for extracting total RNA from Gram negative bacteria that have been harvested and the pellet resuspended in RNALater reagent, but using a slightly modified Instruction's Manual protocol. Concerning the cell lysis step, instead of using a 10 min horizontal vortexing, I use 4 cycles 30"on-30"off in a multi-beads shocker. Also, the following centrifugations are done at RT instead of 4°C.

When verifying the RNA extraction by using RNA denaturent gel electrophoresis or the Bioanalyzer (Agilent) we observe the 23S rRNA degraded.

I asume that some of the mRNA may be also degraded during the process, so the RNA-seq experiment that is following is necessarily compromised due to this bias.

Do you think the sample is degraded because of the previous modified steps? I would really appreciate any advice concerning the improvement of the protocol to avoid sample degradation.

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