I don't know if anyone has similar ideas, but the fact is that not enough people (especially in research) take advantage of failing experiments. An example of the application of failed experiments is the invention of Post Its. It is said that, a 3M researcher invented a glue whose adhesion was weak, but their purpose was to seek a strong glue. Some time later, another from the same company wanted to invent a piece of paper which can stick anywhere and then can be torn off without leaving a trace. They tried many methods, all of them were unsuccessful, until they became aware of the glue with weak adhesion. In this way, the glue which was initially regarded as a failure made a big contribution to our lives. Similarly, the phenomenon of RNA interference was not first observed by Andrew, in 1993 and 1995, other researchers observed it, but they all thought their experiments were unsuccessful and did not find the correct explanation.

I think developing a database for the storage of failed experiments makes sense for experiments that lost the chance to be shown in published articles. Everyone could upload their experimental results which they find unsatisfactory, including the experiment method, experiment data, and the experiment purpose.

This experimental data can give a good experience and lessons to the researchers who want to perform similar experiments. They can improve their experiment based on the failing example. Someone might also give a different opinion for the unreasonable experimental data, and then test their idea. Maybe a novel theory can be developed from these failed experiments. Or, like the Post It, the unsuccessful experiment data could be used to solve other problems.

So, how about this idea?

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