Whether it is crystalline, semi-crystalline or amorphous in nature? Also, can you please add some more information. Nanoparticles were synthesised in organic solvent and characterised as they were.
The SAED pattern you attached shows either that the particles are amorphous or (more likely?) that you didn't get enough information of your particles in the pattern. How does the regular (HR)TEM image look like? Are your particles very sparse? If so, it will be difficult to get the information you want. Instead, HRTEM will be more appropriate. The FFT you attached seems to show some crystalline spots but again it'd be useful to see the regular TEM image that this FFT came from.
Those NPs in particular region are in close proximity to each other. Those were Co NPs capped with oleic acid. Does capping agents make any difference?
I am working on W nps at the moment and also got a diffraction pattern similar to what you have. This could not give me enough information so I then tried getting the dp using nano-mode and I got a much better diffraction patterns. I used Kikuchi patterns to get to the right zone axis.
The FFT image is not enough information to know this sample is crystalline, semi-crystalline or amorphous. I think the FFT was obtained from the small area of the particle sample. The pattern doesn't have information about the sample. For the small particle, it is difficult to obtain an HRTEM image, the clear FFT, and the pattern because the particle of this material is easily damaged by the electron beam.
The DP you attached shows that the material is amorphous. But the FFT shows your material have some crystalline nature. Is the FFT you attached is corresponds that above pattern? .
Can you please send your image corresponding to that DP, that will give some idea.
Hi Peter, we could see the lattice fringes for particles around 5nm sizes. Its great information for me that capping agents doesn't cause any specific issue to SAED characterization of NPs. Further, Since I were dependent on facility technologist to do characterizations, seems like he didn't try his best to get SAED pattern.
Otherwise, I guess like Ms. Emily, it was quite possible to get that information.
Else, Vuong Hoang might also be correct.
And, Hi Naresh, images were clear and at 5nm scale they had lattice fringes as I said above.