Stresses are the default output variables. Usually you cab do the same way to obtain these values. However, if you cannot find them, you can specify them as output varibles using keyword: *output element.
Data lines to request element output:
First line (optional, and relevant only if integration point variables are being written for shell, beam, or layered solid elements in an Abaqus/Standard analysis or if integration point variables are being written for shell or beam elements in an Abaqus/Explicit analysis):
Specify a list of the section points in the shell, beam, or layered solid at which variables should be written to the output database. If this data line is omitted, the variables are written at the default output points. For section points on a meshed beam cross-section, specify a list of user-defined section point labels. For elbow elements the mid-through-thickness section point must be specified to allow COORD data display in Abaqus/CAE since this point is not among the default output points. A maximum number of 16 section points can be specified. Repeat *ELEMENT OUTPUT as often as needed if output at additional points is required.
Second line:
Specify the identifying keys for the output variables to be written to the output database. The keys are defined in “Abaqus/Standard output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.1 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, “Abaqus/Explicit output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.2 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual, and “Abaqus/CFD output variable identifiers,” Section 4.2.3 of the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual.
Repeat the second data line as often as necessary to define the list of variables to be output to the output database.
Stress is a default output. Check the boundary condition. Atleast one point of your model should b fixed, else it will behave like a free body and give zero resistance to the applied load ( hence stress is zero)