I want obtained concentrations of 20 to 80% for mortality of insect. But I have plant monoterpenoids that powders. How obtained concentrations for bioassay tests? and What solution should be mixed powders plant monoterpenoids and then used?
I recommend Dr.Ikbal and agree with him in most points.
Monoterpenes are essential oil (volatile), which are non-polar compounds,so you have to use non-polar solvent such as n-hexane or petroleum ether ,but be careful
about the effect of the solvent.
I don't know what you mean by ( powder plant)? Have separated the monoterpenes by extraction ? are you sure and identified these terpenes? if not how you know that the plant contains monoterpenes?
I think first of all you have to perform GCMS analysis of determining the concentration of terpenes in your plant powder hexane fraction of extract. After this you can exactily identify the the types of monoterpene and their concentration and can make the solution using non polar solvents like hexane or pet-ether.