Although we have not worked with Colo699, we have done plenty of other lung cancer xenografts ( These have generally worked with matrigel and immunodeficient mice. If Colo699 is critical to your given research, then you should consult previous literature and see if there are any protocols available. However, if other (more popular) lung cancer cell lines also suffice, then you'd be better off using them as there's a solid literature base out there for such studies.
Although we have not worked with Colo699, we have done plenty of other lung cancer xenografts ( These have generally worked with matrigel and immunodeficient mice. If Colo699 is critical to your given research, then you should consult previous literature and see if there are any protocols available. However, if other (more popular) lung cancer cell lines also suffice, then you'd be better off using them as there's a solid literature base out there for such studies.