Hi and any help greatly appreciated specifying this model!
I have a binary outcome, measured at the person level. There are 9 'risk event' predictors (also binary coded as occurred/not). Some are correlated, some are not. ppl can experience a discrete number of these events coded as 1;s, the rest are coded as zeroes. I think of them as a subset of risk events from some hypothetical universe of risks that might have been experienced, so I am thinking of them as a random effect.
A person can have experienced some discrete number of the events, so I think that risks are nested within people. However I am having a hard time specifying the model as a multilevel model because the outcome is only measured once.
Can someone help me think through this model? I would like to specify a random effects model, but at a minimum I need to estimate the ICC for proportion of variance in the outcome explained by within person risk events vs between people variability.