Hello all,
We are obtaining some weird LC/MS/MS peaks. We are using a Shimadzu-8050 LC/MS/MS system and are running 0.1% Formic in MeOH and 0.1% Formic in Water for our mobile phase. We are starting gradient at 40%B and then will raise to 80%B. If you need more information on our set-up let me know.
We are analyzing Vitamin D or are starting to try to at least. We ran into a problem when we inject even a standard into our LC and obtain double peaks. The Peaks as you can see from the attached picture are 2 very good shaped peaks with a little time between. The MS profile gives the correct information for the standard we injected for both peaks. We just did a Q3 scan and injected 1 standard at a time into the system. What could be causing this issue?
For the standards we are injecting we are doing no processing of the standard besides the following:
If you would like more information on the system or our process let me know. Thanks for the help.