I recently tested an antigen retrieval protocol using a citrate buffer on frozen slides. I obtained a clearer staining, and I'm willing to use this technique routinely.
However, I think that my protocol could be more efficient and maybe quicker, and I thought that perhaps, skilled scientists on Researchgate could help me to do so.
I use cryostat sections of mouse brain (15-20 um thick), and here is the protocol I tested:
For the citrate buffer preparation:
- 2,94g of tri-sodium citrate (dihydrate) in 1L of distilled water, mix
- pH set to 6.0 using HCl
- 0,5 mL of Tween-20, mix
I rehydrated the tissue section, immersing it 2 minutes in ethanol 100%, then 1 minute in ethanol 95%, 1 minute in ethanol 80%, and I rinsed it in distilled water.
After that, I put the slide on top of a dry water-bath set at 95°C, with the tissue section immersed in the citrate buffer for 10 minutes. I added some buffer during these 10 minutes to avoid tissue drying.
I let the slides cool down for 10 minutes with the buffer still on, and rinsed 2x1 minute with PBS.
Then I immersed the sections in my blocking solution (PBS and distilled water with 0,3% triton X100, 3% BSA, 5% goat serum) for half an hour, and went through my usual protocol for immunohistochemistry.
I hope that I have been clear and that some of you will be kind enough to help me !