Why inside the tubular segment cells take the green color and appear like the shape of the nucleus insude their cells...is it may be vacuoles take green with this stain?..please i need help
As far as I know, the kidney epithelial brush border and the basement membrane are highlighted by Mallory stain. In humans these cells are epithelial cells (I don't know in fish).
Thank you very much for answering me .Yes, you are all right in the position of collagenous fibers..but what happened hear insude tubular segements ?.it is a strange change. I think alot and some time i said it is may be lymphocytes invad tubular cells because the circle green color inside tubules the same in between tubules( heamopiotic tissue)... so , pathologically is it right or there are another explaination for this change?
For your knowledge this change happend only in one group treated while others the collagenous fibers found in bruch border, glomerulus, around bowmans capsule and around tubules