I am using a multicomponent pesticides analysis  (SPE extraction) in surface water with UPLC and Q-TOF (Bruker Maxis impact) in ESI+ and 5ul injection. I use a 5 point external calibration. I want to identify a component with 2 exact masses (check ratio in calibration versus samples). For the identification I would like to follow:  NTA 8379 (en), Water quality - Guidelines for the identification of target compounds by gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry

I have two options:

1. Parent + isotope

In several cases the isotope mass has a relatively low intensity (8-15%) If there is Cl/Br in the ion, there is a second ion with a higher response thus no problem. I also use the ion ratio for identification. At low concentrations the ion ratio varies a lot if the second mass has a low intensity. For example carbamazepine 237,1022 and 238,1054 (17%).

2. parent + fragment

With the instrument we can also alternating measure total ion and fragmentation. I then select the parent and a suitable fragment. For carbamazepine the fragment is 194,0956. It has a very good response compared to the mass 238,1054.

Because the lower mass of the fragment it is less specific for that component (the higher mass the better?)because it can also be a fragment of a co-eluting component. I will check this later in the validation of the method. I am calculating the parent/fragment ratio in the calibration and samples and want to use this in the identification criteria.

What is, according to you, the best option to identify a component, option 1 or 2? I prefer option two when second m/z has a low intensity,  because I can identify a component on a lower concentration. In the software it is difficult to select and handle 2 masses plus a fragment. But if that was possible it was the best option.

Thank you for your time.

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