Dear Sir. Concerning your issue about the difference between TLC G and H plates. Traditionally, TLC monographs in a pharmacopoeia refer to products using silica G, containing gypsum as binder, or silica H with no foreign binder. There are about 200 monograph methods in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) referring to these plates*. Fully compliant with international pharmacopoeia, these new TLC silica gel 60G plates are recommended for customers in QA/QC labs using older Ph. Eur. monograph methods, which require TLC plates with a gypsum binder and who do not wish to switch to classic Merck TLC plates with organic binders. Merck's classic TLC plates fulfill the performance test requirements of Ph. Eur. for G plates with gypsum, even though they use modern organic binders. Today, many customers routinely use these classic TLC plates in place of gypsum plates and indeed several monographs have been updated to officially confirm this change.
I think the following below links may help you in your analysis: