Suppose a moderately thick (a/h=15), rectangular (a=2b) composite plate with stacking sequence of [0°/30°/45°/60°/90°]2S. Each composite layer have thickness of 0.001m. The first three circular natural frequencies of plate with CCCC, CCFC, CSCS, SSSS, SSFS, CCFF, SSFF and CFFF mechanical boundary conditions are obtained and exhibited in Fig. As it can be seen, among all boundary conditions appeared in this figure, the CCCC and CFFF have higher and lower natural frequencies, respectively. It also indicates that first natural frequency of the CCCC, CCFC, CSCS, SSSS, SSFS, CCFF, SSFF and CFFF boundary conditions are decreasing sequentially, whereas the second and third ones have different patterns. The second and third frequencies of the CSCS are bigger than CCFC while in the case of SSFS and CCFF only third frequency have this inconsistency. What is the philosophy behind such inconsistency?

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