04 September 2020 2 2K Report


I tried several times to freeze H9c2 cells in liquid nitrogen, but as soon as I defrosted them ~6 months later, most of them were dead and I had to expand the cultur from few cells on. This happened several times with different passages.

Here the procedure how I did it:

- I resuspended (after centrifugation) in normal Dulbeco's DMEM with additives (+ 10% FCS + 1% PS + 1% L-Glut) adding 5% DMSO

- I froze the cells in 1-1,2ml medium in cryo vials (cell amount that can be cultured in T25 afterwards)

- I cooled them in a "freezy boy" first for 1 day in -80°C fridge

- then I tranfered quickly to the liquid nitrogen

Is there anyone with the same problems or somebody that has experience on that?

Thank you!!

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