Hi Rita, the first place you should be asking is Sutter. Frequently, the preset programs will be in the manual itself. However, if not, they'll typically have the program and it's parameters available as a PDF. (This is industry norm.) But they won't release the information unless you contact them directly. Additionally, and odd as this may sound, the programs, if not embedded in ROM, will be simple text files you can read and modify. This is just my experience over the last 35 years across a number of different systems. Unfortunately, I don't have one of these systems, or I'd give you the specific location, provided it's not been over written with user input. Even then, the data is typically still stored in a secure location for re-installation when the data is lost.
Of course I contacted them and they were helpful. They gave me numbers to overwrite the lost program.
After carefully reading the manual, I realized that the RAMP test can be done starting any program; this will not skew the system calculations and it will display the RAMP output when the test is done, meaning the recommended HEAT that you should start with.