Is there any questionnaire/survey that measures the causes of medical errors? Example: physician negligence vs. systemic issues. Looking for a reliable and validated instrument.
It would be important to distinguish what your research goal is for this measure.
Is it to discern:
1. Health care providers' opinions as to relative frequency of various medical errors?
2. Self-report of health care providers instances of having committed various medical errors?
3. Licensing board documentation of counts of medical errors committed by a specific provider level (e.g., physicians, nurses)?
4. Patients' (or patients' family members') opinions as to whether and what kind of medical error they may have experienced?
5. Public health experts' opinions as to the relative frequency of various medical errors?
6. Rankings of adjudicated causes of undesired medical outcomes?
7. Expert observations of medical practice (say, in hospital settings) and enumeration of any/all inappropriate actions/decisions?
8. Frequency and type of medical errors associated with a specific procedure, such as appendectomy?
9. Something else?
The approach that would work best for one of these target concerns would not work best for others. So, you'll need to be a bit more specific in order to help identify what would be best suited for your research goals.
Buenos días, en las revisiones realizadas no he encontrado ningún instrumento que evalúe directamente el error. Si hay diferentes métodos sobre todo de gestión del riesgo que construyen a realizar ese análisis. Por ejemplo AMFE, análisis causa raíz e incluso otros con procedimientos estadístico. Aunque lo que predomina es el análisis cualitativo.