Hi everyone,

I am staining leukocytes isolated from mouse kidneys in flow cytometry. I stimulated the cells with PMA/Ionomycin + BFA for 4 hrs in T-cell medium (RPMI + Pen/Strep + 10 % FCS + 50 uM beta-mercaptoethanol) and stained them for surface markers, T-cell transcription factors and IFNg and IL17A.

When I plot the cytokine production (IFNg-BV711 vs IL17A-BV650) in CD4+ T cells, I noticed that beside my single-positive populations, there are events on a somewhat straight diagonal line that seem to be double-positive. There are some other events that are double-positive that are more scattered around, which is why I think the events on the diagonal could be a technical artifact (see attached plot).

I am also attaching my FMOs for IFNg-BV711 and IL17A-BV650 where these events are not present.

I'd highly appreciate your thoughts on this.

Thanks a lot,


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