29 January 2019 5 981 Report


I'm currently studying computer science and I am working on an Internet of Things project involving the use of rainfall sensors in different locations.

I'm currently researching if these I.O.T sensors and the real-time rainfall data that they collect could be used/ are helpful when it comes to flood prediction.

I have been researching a lot about flood prediction and hydrological models but I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I don't have any meteorological experience at all, so trying to search for research papers that are relevant is quite difficult at the moment.

I'm looking for advice for where to start when it comes to Flood Prediction. I have rainfall data and plan to get river level data. Is there any examples of this kind of data being used in some formula / equation / model? Should I be comparing this to historical data? If so, is there a definitive statistical model I should be using?

Thank you for any advice you have, it will be much appreciated! I really just need a clear focus in order for me to make progress with the project! Thanks again.

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