So far we’ve been doing microsatellite analyses with a capillary sequencer. The machine is getting old and we need to replace it. Since we’re regularly using MiSeq or HiSeq for other approaches (DNA metabarcoding, Rad-seq, Genotyping By sequencing, …), it seems logical to us to switch completely to a high throughput sequencing platform.

We do work a lot on protected and endangered species, often small critters, as a result of which our DNA-sampling needs to be non-lethal and minimally invasive. This means we often have low quantity and low quality DNA.

RAD-sequencing or other reduced representation genome sequencing is often not possible on these types of samples. I am aware of SNP-methods requiring low amounts of DNA (Fluidigm chips for example), but this still requires other hardware.

Microsatellite genotyping is still very useful to us because the information content per locus is about ten times higher than with SNPs. For a lot of our purposes, we don’t need more than 25 microsatellite loci to get the information we need, and with the small amounts of DNA we have at our disposal this works fine.

I’m looking for people who directly sequence microsat loci via high throughput sequencing, and would like to know their first-hand experiences on feasibility, bottlenecks, bio-informatic pipelines, do’s and don’ts.


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