Some religions believe that all human life is sacred because it is given by god, and that god chooses how long each person will live. Human beings should not interfere in this.
Euthanasia and suicide are considered methods of killing in some countries.
In all islamic countries in some european countries In ITALY, ROMANIA, GREECE, BOSNIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, POLAND AND IRELAND euthanasia is forbidden, and considered homicide. Punishment can range from 14 and 15 years in prison.
The decision of medical team depend on medical ethics and norms of the country.
and in other coutries, providing high quality care at the end of life without suffering and assist request medical aid in dying .
Euthanasia refer to deliberate action taken with the intention of ending a life, in order to relieve persistent suffering.
In most countries, euthanasia is against the law and it may carry a jail sentence. In the United States, the law varies between states.
Euthanasia has long been a controversial and emotive topic.
Various arguments are commonly cited for and against euthanasia.
Yes, there are pros to euthanasia as a concept. When one is sick and suffering with no hope of recovery, allowing that person to choose to be euthanized .
Some religions believe that all human life is sacred because it is given by god, and that god chooses how long each person will live. Human beings should not interfere in this.
Euthanasia and suicide are considered methods of killing in some countries.
In all islamic countries in some european countries In ITALY, ROMANIA, GREECE, BOSNIA, SERBIA, CROATIA, POLAND AND IRELAND euthanasia is forbidden, and considered homicide. Punishment can range from 14 and 15 years in prison.
The decision of medical team depend on medical ethics and norms of the country.
and in other coutries, providing high quality care at the end of life without suffering and assist request medical aid in dying .
it is a personal decision, each person has his right and only she knows how much suffering she can be endure, the rest of us are extra characters
No, because euthanasia will lead to the decline of care for terminally ill people.
Please also have a look at this useful ResearchGate link.
The approval of the principle may lead to ethical, religious and legislative problems. There are also examples of doctors' statements that it is useless to treat some patients, but the patient is cured
I taught Health and Social Care for a few years and researched the Liverpool Care Pathway, a system of care for the dying. I found that certain of its guidelines were abused-one of which was the refusal of water and food for the dying to hasten their ends. Effectively, if a doctor decided there was no hope this policy was implemented without the involvement of relatives. To my horror, I found also that-at the time- decisions on a patient's life continuing were solely down to a doctor. Relatives had to be consulted but could not take part in the final decisions or stand against the doctor's decision.
Euthanasia, I'm afraid.
Looking at a family member in a serious medical condition, I have put this question to myself. I have no answer...
No I donot agree with Euthanasia, Some people think that euthanasia shouldn't be allowed, even if it was morally right, because it could be abused and used as a cover for murder.
Nice topic dear Dr. Nihada Ahmetovic,
I'am fully agree with dear respected Prof. Gamal Abdul Hamid's answer.
From the Islamic point of view, Islam does not allow Muslims to commit suicide or kill someone with so-called euthanasia in order to rid him of suffering. However, If one of the Muslims committed suicide or allowed one of the people to kill him in a way of euthanasia, God will put him in the fire of Hell because God is the only one who decides when we will be born and when we will die.
I give you an example of the Prophet Ayoub peace be upon him : The holy Qur'an told us that the Prophet Ayoub had been tested by God and he was patient and thankful but he did not kill himself, and then he called upon Allaah to heal him from his sickness.
Thank you dr Ahed Khatib
dr Velikanov Vladimir dr J. M. Koli dr Gamal Abdul Hamid dr Catia CillónizThank you dr Hamid Gadouri dr Saad Kariem Shather dr Stanley Wilkin
There is no specific rule of euthanasia in most legal systems; societal and religious views vary from one place to another. It is therefore difficult to decide on such judgments for their many interferences.
Euthanasia is equivalent to murder. In Islam no one is allowed to kill someone. Therefore, Euthanasia is prohibited in Islamic countries.
I have no idea of other religions.
Respected dear Dr. Nihada,
NO, and I am totally agree with brother colleague answers of Dr. Gamal Abdul Hamid, because he completely fit with our religion opinion view.
Best wishes,
Naseer Almukhtar
One should die proudly when it is no longer possible to live proudly.
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Euthanasia is a grave violation of the law of God, since it is the deliberate and morally unacceptable killing of a human person.
- Pope John Paul II
if they are willing to , that's their option; to live or quit living
We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet. Even longer,' Pooh answered.
- A. A. Milne
Euthanasia ... is simply to be able to die with dignity at a moment when life is devoid of it.
- Marya Mannes
The right to die can so easily become the duty to die.
- Peter Saunders
For me, life is the most beautiful gift of God to mankind, therefore people and nations who destroy life by abortion and euthanasia are the poorest. I do not say legal or illegal, but I think that no human hand should be raised to kill life, since life is God's life in us, even in an unborn child.
- Mother Teresa
Euthanasia is a violation and infringement of human life in accordance with the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In its Preamble, the Declaration states that "the basis of freedom, justice and peace in the world" is "recognition of the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family". More specifically, in accordance with article 6 of the Universal Declaration, "Everyone has the right to life" and under article 7 of the Universal Declaration, "All persons are equal before the law and enjoy without any discrimination the equal right to the enjoyment of the protection of the law." Article 6 of the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Political and legally binding, is further elaborated on the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration, noting that: "Everyone has the inherent right to life. This right must be protected by law
Thank you dr Naseer Almukhtar dr Luay Abdulwahid Shihab dr Djaafar Zemali dr Len Leonid Mizrah dr Qais Khaleel dr Hawa Juma El-Shareif dr Rabeh Abbassi dr Farangis Shahidzade
With severe Alzheimer little is left of the individual: sans memory, sans intelligence, sans dignity. The dignity of the person before the illness should be respected more than the shadow that remains.
If mercy killing means ending a person's life or helping him to commit suicide, all religions deny it an absolute prohibition and consider it a murder, because God is the only one to live and die.
First, I will assume that the questions only addresses euthanasia in cases where the patient is requesting the medical "service."
And, much like suicide, I think this is, and should be, a purely religious question. Depending on one's religious beliefs, any willful ending of human life, including one's own, is a sin. Outside of these religious beliefs, I think there are circumstances where a good case can be made, for euthanasia. And I'm also convinced that in practice, this does occur in the medical profession, in extreme situations, and most people are perfectly okay with it. You know, it may take the form of a higher-than-safe dose of morphine, for example. Or alternatively, not carrying out a life-extending medical procedure, in cases deemed hopeless. I'm sure this happens frequently.
To say flat out "no," and then cite some religious reason, is to avoid the question, in my view. Religious "reasons" are only valid for people of that faith. They hold little sway to anyone else.
Human life is secred gift of 'Nature' & Protection of life is 'Fundamental Rule' of 'India' & as per my opinion under unforeseen orderly and sickness condition same may be allowed through 'Judiciary' in a 'Nation'
'Euthanasia' is 'Rarest of Rare', 'Heinious' & 'Antihumanity' activity in principle
Yes, as long as it is done under the management of medical professionals. This is a human rights issue as well as an ethical and religious one.
The soul of a person is the property of God. It is God alone who decides to take or leave his property.
A great query Nihada Ahmetovic . I agree with my fellow RG collagues here.
Yes. Allowing people to ‘die with dignity’ is kinder than forcing them to continue their lives with suffering.
Dear Dr Nihada Ahmetovic this is a very good question.
With great respect for the opinions of all the distinguished professors, In my opinion, no.
I know that Euthanasia (albeit only voluntarily) is legal in just a few countries (Switzerland, Belgium, etc.), and it is not a problem in these countries.
But in my opinion, even voluntarily, it is a form of suicide.
With the best wishes
Mr Rezaei Ahvanooei
A part of eugenic politics would finally land us in an extensive use of the lethal chamber. A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people's time to look after them.
- George Bernard Shaw
Not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia. There may be legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not... with regard to abortion and euthanasia.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Yes, we need euthanasia, for certain cases where people are in comas or too immobile to even press a button.
- Jack Kevorkian
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are never acceptable acts of mercy. They always gravely exploit the suffering and desperate, extinguishing life in the name of the 'quality of life' itself.
- Pope John Paul II
Of all the arguments against voluntary euthanasia, the most influential is the slippery slope: once we allow doctors to kill patients, we will not be able to limit the killing to those who want to die.
- Peter Singer
Euthanasia is legal in Hollywood. They just kill the film if it doesn't succeed immediately.
- Dustin Hoffman
Human life has dignity at every age the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia.
- Gary Bauer
Yes. It is the person who is suffering who should be able to make the decision, not the government. If the person is religious, it would be up to them to make peace with their Maker
yes, but not all the time,
But the decision is very difficult if it is related to someone close to you
Euthanasia can be considered as a way to upheld the "Right to life" by honoring "Right to die" with dignity... Not only euthanasia gives "Right to die" for the terminally ill patient and puts out of his misery, but also " right to life" for the organ needy patients.
Questions about euthanasia are very difficult, and I think the right answer will never be. Thanks to RG colleagues for a very useful discussion.
The issue of euthanasia is very difficult. Philosophical, religious, legal aspects of this issue give it a poorly resolvable character. In my opinion, euthanasia takes hope not only from the patient, but also from his relatives. It may be that the progress in medicine, many patients will not wait. In general, it is a vulgar materialism to appropriate the right to take life as it is seen by supporters of euthanasia. Does this not resemble events in Germany in the 30s
Never, as nobody can guarantee that the victim will not recover, who can determine that the probability of healing and recover from illness is zero ? Several stories about that are well known, science introduces new medications continuously.
A person who is euthanized is usually ill. Euthanasia can be carried out either by doing something, such as administering a lethal injection or by not doing something necessary to keep the person alive (for example failing to keep their feeding tube going).
In my opinion, only God gives life and only god can take it away it's not moral to kill a person even if they are terminally ill because this person needs a chance to live along and see his life, but there are people that disagree.
I would say no to that. There is newly assembled 7-8 member "euthanasia team" dispatched anywhere in our province to end the life of anyone asked by family members. It sounds like an execution team. My wife who is a physician says that many people are "aborted", "getting rid off" without family consent, by-passing the rules, just to give a free trip to the members of the team (sounds awful, but true).
I see the following problem in some countries where there is euthanasia: a) the heirs may be in conflict and/or in need of money; an easy solution can be the "sick"; and b) who is the exempt person to say that there is an illness? Doctors may eventually be co-opted by part of the inheritance to make an unfair decision. Thus, in these countries there are fugues for the sick and/or the elderly, fearful that their lives will be shortened without their agreement.
Yes, when it comes for exclusively medical reasons provided that the patient suffers from immune, irreversible disease. And always with the necessary consent.
Profesora Nihada ahmetovic .
Mi respuesta se la envío en un escrito que tengo subido en RG y podrá sacar sus propias conclusiones.
INTRODUCCIÓN Por eutanasia se entiende lo siguiente: " 1.-Muerte sin sufrimiento físico, buena muerte y, en sentido estricto, la que así se provoca voluntariamente. 2.-Doctrina o teoría que justifica la acción de facilitar la muerte sin sufrimiento a los enfermos sin posibilidades de curación y que padecen dolores físicos" Esto lo veremos desde tres puntos de vista diferentes entre sí como son el punto de vista científico, punto de vista ético y punto de vista de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Es un tema sumamente polémico en el que su argumento central es el que a continuación se detalla: ¿Puede una persona ayudar a morir a un enfermo incurable? Obviamente, este argumento plantea a su vez una serie de interrogantes sociales y éticos de igual o mayor dimensión que los planteamientos científicos. Veremos como la eutanasia puede ser un alivio para el que la pide y un suplicio para el que la ejecuta. VISIÓN CIENTÍFICA DE LA EUTANASIA Desde un punto de vista científico la eutanasia en nuestra sociedad actual la iremos descubriendo siguiendo los puntos que trataremos a continuación. Un primer punto es el aumento numérico de los casos de eutanasia. En los últimos años miles de personas han recurrido a la eutanasia para acabar con su vida. En su inmensa mayoría han sido enfermos terminales de cáncer los que recurrieron a esta forma de acabar con sus vidas. Otro punto característico de hoy es el incremento de las formas de eutanasia. De aquellas más clásicas, para los enfermos terminales, atormentados por el dolor, pasamos ahora a las formas más modernas de eutanasia: se da por ejemplo la eutanasia de los niños nacidos con deformidades, la eutanasia a enfermos parapléjicos, también una eutanasia prenatal, que interviene sobre el feto antes de su nacimiento; así como la eutanasia de los ancianos inválidos. Pero hay un tercer punto con aún más relevancia: la actitud que se asume en relación a estos casos de eutanasia. Hemos pasado de una actitud de condena y rechazo muy clara, precisa y fuerte, a una actitud de tolerancia con relación a los casos más graves; más aún, hemos ido más lejos y la actitud más difundida parece ser la de la aceptación. No faltan personas que extienden más esta actitud y se empeñan en favorecer y promover la eutanasia. Es cierto que usualmente se apresuran a decir que se trata de los casos más graves, pero luego la gravedad se define en las formas más elásticas o contradictorias. Otro punto de la eutanasia hoy se relaciona con las motivaciones interiores que mueven a solicitar la eutanasia. Una de las más difundidas es la así llamada piedad .
Pero trate de leer el pdf que he agregado al archivo.
Saludos afectuoso.
There is a specific time by Almighty God and can not intervene at the end of one's life in natural cases, but within the laws of death may be some countries allow them to death in this way
-NUM Akramul Kabir Khan
-Asmaa Abdulkareem
-Salam Jassim Hmood
Mi respuesta de la Eutanasia es NO,pero les expongo criterios del tema como es que se viene discutiendo,pero insisto a que lo lean de nuevo,mi respuesta es NO,soy un médico que hice un juramento cuando me gradué:
Texto del juramento hipocrático clásico
Juro por Apolo médico, por Asclepio, Higía y Panacea y pongo por testigos a todos los dioses y diosas, de que he de observar el siguiente juramento, que me obligo a cumplir en cuanto ofrezco, poniendo en tal empeño todas mis fuerzas y mi inteligencia. Tributaré a mi maestro de Medicina el mismo respeto que a los autores de mis días, partiré con ellos mi fortuna y los socorreré si lo necesitaren; trataré a sus hijos como a mis hermanos y si quieren aprender la ciencia, se la enseñaré desinteresadamente y sin ningún género de recompensa. Instruiré con preceptos, lecciones orales y demás modos de enseñanza a mis hijos, a los de mi maestro y a los discípulos que se me unan bajo el convenio y juramento que determine la ley médica, y a nadie más. Estableceré el régimen de los enfermos de la manera que les sea más provechosa según mis facultades y a mi entender, evitando todo mal y toda injusticia. No accederé a pretensiones que busquen la administración de venenos, ni sugeriré a nadie cosa semejante. Pasaré mi vida y ejerceré mi profesión con inocencia y pureza. No ejecutaré la talla, dejando tal operación a los que se dedican a practicarla. En cualquier casa donde entre, no llevaré otro objetivo que el bien de los enfermos; me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas injuriosas o acciones corruptoras y evitaré sobre todo la seducción de mujeres u hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardaré secreto sobre lo que oiga y vea en la sociedad por razón de mi ejercicio y que no sea indispensable divulgar, sea o no del dominio de mi profesión, considerando como un deber el ser discreto en tales casos. Si observo con fidelidad este juramento, séame concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; si lo quebranto y soy perjuro, caiga sobre mí la suerte contraria.
Saludos respetuosos
Profesor Dr.Mauricio Martí Brenes
Profesor NUM Akramul Kabir Khan .
Muy interesante los temas que expones,no tenemos ninguna contradicció veo que tengamos niguna diferencia de criterios,no es necesario establecer una polémica cuando estamos de acuerdo.
Mi respuesta de la Eutanasia es NO, pero se exponen los temas del tema como se discute, pero se insiste en lo que me gusta de nuevo, mi respuesta es NO, soy un médico que tengo un juramento cuando me gradue:
Texto del juramento hipocrático clásico
Juro por Apolo médico, por Asclepio, Higía y Panacea y por los testigos de todos los dioses y las diosas, la siguiente observación, que se debe cumplir en el ofrezco, el empeño todas mis fuerzas y mi inteligencia. Tributo a mi maestro de la medicina, el mismo respeto que a los autores de mis días, a partir de mi fortuna y el socorreré si lo necesitaren; Trataré a sus hijos como a mis hermanos y si quieren aprender la ciencia, la enseñanza y el género de recompensa. Instruiré con preceptos, lecciones orales y otros modos de enseñanza a mis hijos, mi maestro y los discípulos que me unan bajo el convenio y el juramento que determina la ley médica, ya nadie más. Más información sobre mis facultades y mi sentido, evitando todo mal y toda injusticia. No accederé a una pretensión que no sea una cosa semejante. Pasaré mi vida y ejercer mi profesión con inocencia y pureza. No ejecutaré la talla, dejando de lado esta operación a lo que se dedica y practicará. En cualquier lugar donde no se lleve a cabo. me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas perjudiciales oruridades corruptoras y evitar todo sobre la seducción de mujeres, hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; Pasaré mi vida y ejercer mi profesión con inocencia y pureza. No ejecutaré la talla, dejando de lado esta operación a lo que se dedica y practicará. En cualquier lugar donde no se lleve a cabo. me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas perjudiciales oruridades corruptoras y evitar todo sobre la seducción de mujeres, hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; Pasaré mi vida y ejercer mi profesión con inocencia y pureza. No ejecutaré la talla, dejando de lado esta operación a lo que se dedica y practicará. En cualquier lugar donde no se lleve a cabo. me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas perjudiciales oruridades corruptoras y evitar todo sobre la seducción de mujeres, hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; En cualquier lugar donde no se lleve a cabo. me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas perjudiciales oruridades corruptoras y evitar todo sobre la seducción de mujeres, hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; En cualquier lugar donde no se lleve a cabo. me libraré de cometer voluntariamente faltas perjudiciales oruridades corruptoras y evitar todo sobre la seducción de mujeres, hombres, libres o esclavos. Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres; Guardar secreto sobre lo que se ve y se ve en la sociedad por la razón de mi ejercicio y que no hay información indispensable, no es el dominio de mi profesión, como un deber de ser discreto en los casos. Si observas con fidelidad este juramento, seré concedido gozar felizmente mi vida y mi profesión, honrado siempre entre los hombres;
Saludos respetuosos
Profesor Dr.Mauricio Martí Brenes
Nooo, It is a horrible thing that does not please God, which is a crime in my opinion.
Profesora Khulood Obaid
Totalmente de acuerdo.
It is impossible to answer this question by "yes or no"
By putting this question in this way you only seem to accept fundamentalist response.
Life without personal history is unconceivable.
Thank you dear RG colleagues for a very interesting discussion, as well as exchange of information and opinions.