11 Questions 102 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Willy LJ Van Buggenhout
Can art escape any formula? Can mathematics represent every possibility?
01 January 2017 8,640 3 View
"If art in schools enables access to zones of freedom unavailable in other subject areas, then schools may offer art ideas about how to transcend its own limitations." Dean Kenning
01 January 2017 3,506 4 View
Art galleries and artist struggle to be recognized - A museum is an institution. Until the sixties art was born in a gallery - now musea become birthplace of art
11 November 2016 5,712 4 View
"I’ve always wanted to be around artists. I’m a fan. It’s the artists who have told me who is interesting for pretty much my entire career. Elizabeth Peyton told me about Kai Althoff, and my...
11 November 2016 5,025 4 View
When did contemporary art find its way to the museum for the first time? (contemporary art! - not "modern art") When was contemporary art institutionalized for the first time? Where was that? Was...
10 October 2016 3,998 1 View
Anish Kapoor obtained the exclusive rights to paint using Vantablack. Why did he do this? Was his signature - or idiom - not strong enough to support his work? Why the preference to market...
10 October 2016 6,381 1 View
In the past centuries art has been trough different revolutions - especially in the West - now we're facing a future that is global and ecological. In that perspective - what would be your advise...
01 January 1970 9,480 0 View
What does an art student needs to learn at art school to have reasonable chances in an art world?
01 January 1970 8,756 5 View
1 , How should the art school of the future be like? 2, How can the academy of the future teach the students what can be art ? Lies the emphasis hereby on history or on current events ? 3 Which...
01 January 1970 2,796 3 View
Students often like famous artists to be their teacher - What do you think?
01 January 1970 5,973 9 View
making art is making choices a painting - for example - can be seen as a trajectory of choices in color, shapes, material, techiek, actions - etc repeated choices are creating style style is...
01 January 1970 7,535 1 View