Dear Colleagues,

Have a good day; I'm planning to initiate an alliance for nursing research to respond to the research priorities in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR). The main goal of this alliance is to come together to identify ways to promote evidence-based practice, collaborate on research projects, and raise awareness of nursing research in the healthcare community. Moreover, to produce excellent international quality research and evidence reviews that will inform national, regional, and international nursing and health practice and policy.

The research team is planning to include the following EMR countries:

Countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

  • Afghanistan
  • Bahrain
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Oman
  • Pakistan
  • Palestine
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Syrian Arab Republic
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Yemen

If you're interested in joining, please send me the following info to [email protected]

- Country

- Research Interest

- Research Experience

- List of publications

* Eastern MEditerranean ReGion rEsearch (EMERGE)

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