Hi and Hello, my absorbance intensity (at UV-Vis Range) and JuddOfelt intensity paramater showed a lower value after addition of Ag nanoparticles. Do we have explanation on this and does it have relationship with surface plasmon resonance behavior?
SЕRS is associated with scattering, but not with absorption of light quanta in the ultraviolet region of electromagnetic radiation. Otherwise, your glass would already be colored. A decrease in Vis intensity is due to a decrease in the number of absorption centers in the visible spectrum..
For a surface plasmon resonance behavior to occur the metal nanoparticles (Au, Ag, Pd) are required to effectively scatter the light. A decrease in intensity can attribute to low absorption centers presents in the material (can due to defects). Kindly check the sample under FESEM in order to find a reason or correlation to this phenomenon.