I'm trying to use the Li-Cor detection system for a southern blot. To make my probe, I amplify a GFP specific PCR product with biotin-16-dUTP integrated into it. Once hybridized the probe is detected by an IR800-streptavidin probe. I have done several test blots and my continual issue is that my probe (presumably) is non-specifically binding to all the gDNA (even the ladder?!). My blot basically looks the same as the agarose image I take before the transfer. Anyone have any experience with biotin-probes? Any and all advice is welcome. I'm at my wits end. I've attached an image of my blot. The 3rd and 8th lanes are WT genomic DNA (that should not be detected). The first and last lanes are the ladder. The rest of the lanes contain gDNA with GFP. Can anyone assists me in solving this dilemma?

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