There are no evidence based therapies for dengue shock management except meticulous fluid management. Some anecdotal reports claim that it is beneficial.
CDC: If the patient may have dengue, do not use aspirin or other NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen, toradol) until they have been afebrile ≥48 hours and have no warning signs for severe dengue*
• Persistent joint pain may benefit from use of NSAIDs, corticosteroids, or physiotherapy.
The World Health Organization guidelines for management of dengue do not recommend the use of corticosteroids. Clinical trials of corticosteroids in dengue have been inconclusive so far, and for the most part have been underpowered and lacking in methodological quality.
Although some clinicians use steroids in treatment, there is currently no clear evidence to justify the use of corticosteroids in the treatment of severe dengue.
There is a clear need for adequately powered, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials in both children and adults to evaluate fully the possible benefit or lack of benefit of corticosteroids in dengue infection.
Re: Nationwide Preparedness for Ebola and related Hemorrhagic Fever viruses – Calling attention to a novel biophysically-based, orthomolecular treatment that has demonstrated "Zero Mortality"
I simply wanted to call to your attention to a potentially valuable medical treatment that you and your colleagues may not yet have considered,
specifically, a biophysical and orthomolecular treatment strategy. Such a treatment strategy has already shown both efficacy and safety in a group of ca. 1300 patients with closely-related hemorrhagic fever virus, Dengue, all of whom recovered with treatment. Yes, that’s right! There were no deaths.
The amazing published results of American-trained physician and scientist, Professor-Doctor Shahid Sheikh, were recently brought to my attention. Since then, Prof-Dr. Sheikh and I have dialogues at length on his study, on the topic of the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, and on the recent Ebola infections.
As a practicing physician in the great state of Texas, I wish to share Dr Sheikh’s extraordinary Dengue fever results with you. These results support a professional opinion I have had for several years now: a biophysical/orthomolecular treatment paradigm will be required to fight this pathogen on its own terms, because the Ebola pathogen has evolved to utilize biophysical, supramolecular means of infection, multiplication, and spread.While the orthomolecular and orthodox (allopathic) strategies are not mutually exclusive, it may reasonably be argued that placement of ALL our hopes for a cure solely on the classical “vaccine” concept, is optimistic at best and fraught with considerable peril in terms of safety.
An innovative new paradigm is urgently called for. I have presented the scientific basis for my opinion in several recent peer-reviewed scientific publications, which I can provide you upon request.
Prof-Dr Sheikh and I hope to offer our special expertise and the fruit of our research in support of the nationwide effort, here in Texas, and throughout the U.S., and other countries that would be interested in partaking of the prompt development and application of a new biophysically-based, orthomolecular
strategy, in more rational defiance of such infectious diseases. Such measures will strengthen our natural immune defenses against these insidious opportunistic neuroinvasive viral pathogens.
Strategically, our approach has logical and logistical advantages over orthodox conventional strategies which may win a battle with, for example, a costly monoclonal antibody (MoAb), yet ultimately loses the war, in terms of concomitant serum sickness and microvascular ischemic events (infarctions). With proper financial support, the global burden in morbidity and mortality from the Neuroinvasive Hemorrhagic Fever viruses, need not progress unchecked, while waiting for an allopathic (vaccine) remedy which might not work.
Prof-Dr Sheikh and I are presently seeking financial support and/or sponsors to support further development of our joint preclinical and clinical research and treatment protocols. These protocols are without doubt, at the very forefront (cutting-edge) of the current state of medical and scientific knowledge, globally.
We are both of the opinion that a non-profit, multinational, global, multidisciplinary effort will be called for, to overcome this particular and similar infectious diseases. There will be spin-off benefit to humanity of knowledge gained for several other medical specialties, including hematology, cardiology, neurology, and oncology. Please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience, should you wish to help your nation more readily defend against this milestone of a challenge that is threatening the public health.
Affiliation: Internal medicine physician, PhyNet, Inc., Longview, Texas
Prof. Dr. Shahid Sheikh, MBBS, PhD
92-300-481-6677 (Cell)
Chief Neuro Virologist
Chairman, NIDS (Neuro Immune Dysfunction Syndrome) Treatment and Research Center
Lahore, Pakistan
References (3):
(1) Breakthrough Treatment of “Dengue Viral Infection” The Report on the Dengue Viral Epidemic of 2011 in Province of Punjab Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Shahid Hussain Sheikh, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), Volume 5, Issue 3 (Mar. - Apr. 2013), PP 23-26
Initial results done at studies in SL shows some promise. But the research team (Sivagnanam et al) finding it difficult to get ethical clearance for a RCT due to above reasons.
By itself the treatment of dengue does not include use of steroids, however in some patients, as an atypical manifestation may present some complications in which steroids can be used, such as: