Can you provide me with publications where it is shown that loss of lysine methylation of histone moiety promotes acetylation of the same moiety?
MLL4 requires acetylated h4 marks for methylation.
There is a regulatory switch between h3k9 and h3s10, however thus is not based on acetylation but phosphorylation.
Loss of h3k9 marks may be an inviting signal for HATs to acetylate the chromatin.
Hope this helps
Thanks. The last point was what I was looking for. But, I cannot find any suitable article to study. CAn you provide me some where it is worked upon as: "Loss of h3k9 marks may be an inviting signal for HATs to acetylate the chromatin."
Thank you in advance yet again.
H3 Lysine 4 Is Acetylated at Active Gene Promoters and Is Regulated by H3 Lysine 4 Methylation
A good general information paper of global chromatin marks and dynamics
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