Could you suggest me a solution for generating methanogenic bacteria during the anaerobic digestion process? Shall I add cow manure to produce them? or addition is not necessary?
Some corrections are needed here, related to question and its answer:
There is no such thing like methanogenic bacteria
Methanogens are not just present in human colon
Methanogens are not just in competition with sulphate reducing bacteria
Nevertheless, sure you can add cow manure or get inoculum / digestate from any biogas plant/reactor which has stable biogas production.
More importantly with your question, it is clear that you don't have a biology background and you don't have much experience in anaerobic digestion, for that please read the following book. It's very easy to read and understand.
In my previous study, we collected fecal sludge and stored it in a jar without air supply condition. After a few days, we observed biogas generation from the jar.
Les boues fécales peuvent certainement contenir des batteries methanogene car après une période de fermentation, il ya des nutriments dans ces dèchets qui favorisent la croissance et la prolifération des bactéries.