I have used this Kits and I do not know if it is too sensitive or something wrong with the protocol. I need to dilute the sample more and more that make my protein too low for doing any effect.
Malachite Green/molybdate reagents for inorganic phosphate detection can detect phosphate concentrations as low as about 1 µM, although the sensitivity varies depending on the formulation. Such high sensitivity makes it imperative that sources of phosphate contamination be eliminated from the assay. Only the purest water (Milli-Q water, preferably) should be used to prepare solutions. Be careful about glassware because soap and tap water residues can contain phosphate. It is preferable to use only new plasticware.
If you find Malachite Green reagents to be too sensitive for your application, consider switching to a less sensitive molybdate-only phosphate detection reagent.
yes, I agree with , this kits is too sensitive, I am using mili-Q water and it is very good with no color developed. Didi you used this kits for Adenosine synthase enzyme or Nucleotidase?
Hi, I haven't used any kit, but home-made solutions and it worked fine. At that time we didn't even have MilliQ water, so that shouldn't be so crucial.
However, as Adam wrote, you must use either plasticware or rinse the glassware with concentrated HCl. That worked for me.
Further, you must strip your buffers and other reagents of anything that is not necessary. Although glycerol, as I'm just now looking, actually helped.