I want to use shRNA to silence a gene in the HNSCC cell line, does anyone use Santa Cruz shRNA lentiviral transduction? or is there another better and more useful firm you can recommend?
do you want to use only shRNA-containing vectors, skipping the step of virus production? Squamous cell carcinoma cells should be easy to transfect with vectors using lipofectamine or similar, though I have never worked with them. Otherwise, please refer to the protocol, which we published some years ago, describing the generation of lentivirus containing shRNAs, miRNAs, and/or antago-miRs with subsequent infection of human primary hepatocytes, which are generally considered to be very difficult to transfect with conventional methods. Good luck!
Introduction of shRNAs, miRNAs, or AntagomiRs into Primary Human Liver Cells Through Lentiviral Vectors