I use Lithium acetate transformation method for transforming intact circular plasmid into yeast.

In past, I always aliquot a new salmon sperm DNA from commercial tube, then boil in water for 10 min, and put on ice until use for transform, and get a lot of transformants. (and never used re-bolied salmon sperm DNA)

But for these two time that I get very little of transformants, I use a re-bolied sheared salmon sperm DNA that have a lot of "freez - thraw - boiled" cycle for many time because I aliquot so much and cannot use all. Thus, I kept the boiled DNA in freezer, when I want to use I will boil it agian and agian like a cycle of freez - boli

Then, my assumption is the salmon sperm that have many time of freez - thraw - boiled cycle will give a low transformants efficiency?

Does any one face the case like me? or any suggest, please provide

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