
I used one aliquot of commercial ultra-competent TOP10. I spread the aliquot into two different transformations. They both received a quickchange product -introducing the same mutation in the WT form of the protein and a mutated form-. I picked 3 colonies for each variants and let them grew O/N. As usual. But the 3 cultures of the mutant variant showed huge aggregation/sedimentation of the bacteria (as shown in the file) I did extract DNA plasmid from them too. Yield and Agarose gel showed similar migration profile as the WT ones. Sequencing in progress.

During the day, I again started 2 cultures of that mutant variants from 2 clones (unfortunately, I did not try again the WT one) and, after 7h30 I have this, small cell aggregates in suspension again and some bigger already in sediment....

I found this reference (doi:10.1098/rsif.2012.0498), but has someone already found this in daily cultures?? Explanation? Hypothesis?

Thanks a lot!


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