I am trying to develop my own sandwich ELISA assay for detection of NGAL (biomarker of acute kidney injury). First I immobilize primary antibody (anti-NGAL monoclonal antibody) during the night in the fridge. In next step I block the plate with PBS buffer which contains 1% BSA. Then I add antigen (NGAL protein different concentrations from 1000-10 pg/Ml) followed by secondary antibody (anti NGAL monoclonal antibody biotinylated), HRP-streptavidin, TMB substrate and stop solution. All incubation steps starting from blocking step last 1 hour and they were performed at room temperature. Between the incubation microtiter plate was washed 5 times with PBS buffer which contained Triton X-100 detergent (I don't have a TWEEN at the moment). I saw that in different ELISA assays and commercial ELISA kits they also have wells with 0 pg (or ng/mL ….) of antigen.

This should be just buffer which is used for diluting the antigen if I am right?

I also put the buffer in some wells instead of antigen and this wells should be some kind of control, and this wells were treated the same as others. After ELISA test was finished I obtain blue colored product (after stop solution it becomes yellow) in all wells including the control wells (with 0 pg/Ml). How is this possible that the control without antigen gives coloured product?

As I know washing is removing all unbounded molecules (Ab, Ag, HRP) and just HRP enzyme which is bounded in complex with primary Ab, Ag, secondary Ab can give colored product. In the control wells complex is not formed because there is no antigen am I right? If complex is not formed and all HRP is unbounded and washed why there is colour in this wells? Also there was no big difference in intensity of the colour between the wells with 1000 and 10 pg/mL (for example I put several replicates of 1000 pg and absorbance goes fro 1.5-2 au and for 10 pg it goes also in that range)? How to optimize the method that I could obtain repeatable values of absorbance for different concentration of antigen? I tested different combination of dilution of primary, secondary Ab but there was no big difference between the wells. So how can I be sure what is the optimal concentration of antibody and antigen?

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