My cell line has proved difficult to transfect in the past, and having found a successful transfection reagent am skeptical about buying the UltraCruz Transfection Reagent and finding it incompatible with my cells.
Yes all plasmids can be transfected with a variety of reagents. So depending on your type of cells, you should be able to use your existing reagent with the CRISP9/Cas9 plasmid. If you need assistance for the transfection, we have several solutions for easy cells to hard-to-transfect and primary. You can contact us at [email protected]
don't trust whatever companies say about their transfection reagents (there's always ways of making it look good in comparison to well-known and consistently good standard tranfection reagents/methods such as Lipofectamine 2000 or Nucleofection).
There's no reason any plasmid can't be transfected with any method/reagent of your choice and you should always pick the one that works best in your cells in your experience (different researchers have different level of success with different methods/reagents on same cells using same plasmid!).
So yes I second Olivier in that, BUT I object to the fact that he is using researchgate to push his company products!