If by enzyme dynamics you mean, the probabilities for finding the enzyme in different configuration states due to binding/unbinding of substrates to the enzyme pockets and their allosteric interaction then follow:
Ackers, G. K., Johnson, A. D., & Shea, M. A. (1982). Quantitative model for gene regulation by lambda phage repressor. PNAS, 79(4), 1129–1133.
Yet, that is equilibrium and the concept of time does not make sense. Thus, if by dynamics you mean how these configuration states evolve as a function of time, then it can also be done using a similar formalism but using rate ODE's instead of equilibrium configurations as given by the mass action law.
In my problem "I have mass balance equation and also calculate Gibbs Free Energy related to Biochemical reactions (KEGG Metabolic pathways)". I'll try to Gibbs Free Energy Analysis with Mass balance Equations. Does you know any methodology or research paper?
If you are interested in time evolution (ODE's or Master Equation or alike) then the answer is more complex. Take a look to Murray's book (Mathematical Biology Vol. I, chapter 6: Enzyme Kinetics) and be aware that the rate constants of the reactions can be expressed as a function of Gibbs energy differences (Arrhenius formalism).
I'll try to Gibbs Free Energy Analysis with Mass balance Equations. I have many research papers related to Energy Analysis with biochemical reactions but everybody used optimization technique with Flux Analysis. Does you know any another methodology or research paper?